#1 Habit for Healthy Living

If there was one simple habit I could give you that I knew would make a HUGE difference in your health, would you want to know?

Food Might Be Your Miracle

If someone prays for a healthy family, does God zap perfect health or give them opportunities to learn habits that lead to better health?

3 Reasons Not to Diet

Have you ever dieted and then regained all the weight?  Do you weigh more now than before your diet?

God Talk in Action

Here’s my personal confession using Philippians 4:6-7 and other verses that encourage me to Stress Less, Pray More

The Bad Beverage Battle

Studies have shown sugar to be more addictive than cocaine.  The more sugar you eat, the more you need to feel satisfied.”

Raw Nuts and Seeds

These little guys are loaded with powerful nutrition and it’s time they got the recognition they’re due.

Get Nutty and Soaked

Soaking activates beneficial enzymes and helps convert many of the stored nutrients from dormant to active and available

Kaylen Pierce

Healthy Living Blogger

I’m Kaylen; I love God, my husband, my family and researching health.  Figuring out what works and sharing things that help you and me get unstuck and back to feeling great is my passion.

E - Course

Transform Your Health

